About the Author
Why I Write
I believe “social justice warrior” shouldn’t be an insult. All of my writing focuses on societal injustices, from prejudice to economic inequity and America’s dwindling middle class. Outside of my creative writing, I research discrimination and bias in the workforce.
While earning my PhD, I researched the role of personality and emotions in the workplace. This knowledge has inspired me to create worlds where emotions generate magical energy. I also use this expertise to create realistic characters with authentic emotional experiences.
I have a disability that, besides interfering with daily activities like sitting, is super taboo to talk about. Since I can’t discuss my condition, I channel that pain into my writing. All my character experience prejudice or social isolation in some form of another. They also have my dark sense of humor.
I was diagnosed with OCD in my twenties, and ADHD in my thirties. Most of my characters are neurodivergent in some way, in part because most books, movies, and TV shows treat my disorders like a joke.